Organizational Management and Secure Access with our No Code Platform powered by Generative AI

Orchestrate your organizations ... Without limits of scope.

Create your own Apps in No Code ... Or let Generative AI take the lead.

Enhance security and compliance.

Who's Who
Organizational chart

What is this about?

It mainly involves automatically generating organizational charts based on the data known by the solution, considering both hierarchical and cross-functional links within complex organizations.

The solution allows, regardless of the size and complexity of these organizations, to generate complex, printable, and readable organizational charts.


What makes ROK unique

Integrated with your digital directory and/or HRIS, from which it will draw information and/or complement it, ROK will allow real-time updating of the Who's who and will be linked to Low code tools, enabling instant updates of your application workflows and other software.

ROK enables secure integration of the ecosystem of companies you work with (clients, suppliers, service providers, banks, etc).

No CodeApplication + Generative AI

What is low-code / no-code?

A low-code platform (LCAP) is the promise of an environment that allows you to create applications through a graphical interface with a minimal or noprogramming knowledge. The share of programming without code is generally estimated at 80%.

A no-code platform prevents you from needing any programming skill.


ROK is a no-code platform

The advantage of this type of platform is twofold:

  • Go fast and agile
  • Delegate to the business what was the responsibility of IT yesterday

The disadvantage of this double advantage is less control over access management, compliance and therefore high exposure to cybercrime.


What is IGA ? (Source Gartner)

« Identity and access management (IAM) is the discipline that enables the right individuals to access the right resources at the right times for the right reasons.

IAM addresses the mission-critical need to ensure appropriate access to resources across increasingly heterogeneous technology environments, and to meet increasingly rigorous compliance requirements. IAM is a crucial undertaking for any enterprise. It is increasingly business-aligned, and it requires business skills, not just technical expertise »

By design ROK is an IAM solution

According to Gartner « Enterprises that develop mature IAM capabilities can reduce their identity management costs and, more importantly, become significantly more agile in supporting new business initiatives »

Organigram organization chart Nocode Team Management IGA

Team Management

What's Team management?

It's the ability of a manager or an organization to coordinate a group of persons into performing one or more tasks.

ROK is a simple and powerful answer

ROK allows to remotely create task forces, prioritizing tasks assigned to them, and coordinate and assist teams in all the duration of your digital transformation projects.

Build your transformation on a ROK: First No Code application platform, compliant & secured by design

Your Company’s Cornerstone

ROK is ideally suited to support the digital transformation of business and governmental organizations that must reconcile stringent security, compliance and digital transformation needs.

Let your needs flow freely: Secure, innovate, and manage your organization with a single platform

From No Code automation to access security, discover how ROK propels efficiency and innovation in your company.

✓ Creation of flexible organizational charts for dynamic visualization of the organization.
✓ Indexing positions with skills for effective talent management.
✓ Automation of HR processes (onboarding, offboarding, moves).
✓ Creation of detailed job descriptions including tasks, document management, and software.
✓ Integrated communication tools (chat, email) to optimize processes.
✓ Management and referencing of business partners.
✓ Creation of secure web apps for collaboration with the ecosystem.
✓ Instant communication with partners via integrated messaging.
✓ Workflow automation from received emails.
✓ No Code development of customized web and mobile applications.
✓ Ask the AI to model the desired application for you.
✓ Interconnection of applications for data automation.
✓ Data and KPIs collection and analysis.
✓ Creation of mobile applications integrating photo management.
Webapp et No Code
✓ Advanced access management to secure systems and data.
✓ Automated provisioning of IT resources and user accounts for efficient management.
Solutions Logicielles Software
✓ Tools to organize and manage project schedules via Kanban, Gantt, or PERT.
✓ Integration of lean management principles to improve productivity and quality.
gestion de projet
✓ Creation of interactive dashboards for real-time visualization.
✓ Tracking tools for total visibility on company performance.
✓ Alert system to proactively report deviations and important events.
✓ Exporting data to other BI tools for detailed analysis.
Indicateurs Cles de Performance KPI
✓ Features for Segregation of Duties (SoD), reducing the risks of fraud.
✓ Tools facilitating the management of internal and external audits.
✓ Risk mapping to identify and assess potential risks.
Gestion des risques
✓ Process sharing and compliance (ISO, compliance).
✓ Centralization of document management.
✓ Management of document validity with automatic alerts.
✓ Use of QR codes for quick access to processes.
✓ Integration of OCR for automatic document analysis.
gestion du savoir

Do not compromise IT security or compliance

On the pretext that you are now allowed to quickly create powerful No Code applications!

A paradigm shift in our way of working

✓ The number of deployed cloud applications has skyrocketed.

✓ The emergence of no-code and hyper-automation.

✓ Remote work has become the norm.

The risks and challenges of digital transformation

✓ The more you transform, the more you expose yourself to risks.

✓ The more you transform, the more regulatory constraints you face.

✓ Increased level of cybercrime.

Easy and secure digitalization with ROK

✓ You need an all-in-one platform.

✓ You need an easy-to-use no-code solution.

✓ You need a secure application.

✓ You need a robust architecture.

These companies that have adopted the right solution

Choose the solution that doesn’t compromise either cybersecurity or access control governance during your digital transformation.

Financial Institutions



ROK Solution enables the unification of 7000 agents (front and back office), process owners, and regulatory/legal officials around a single repository, facilitating compliance with regulatory obligations imposed by the ACPR.

Complex ERP Systems



ROK Solution enables the secure and controlled maintenance of SAP access to meet regulatory audit requirements and support the international deployment of SAP.

Automotive Industries



ROK Solution enables the modeling of entry/exit processes, mobility, and rights for its 6000 employees (40 sites and 21 countries). Mecaplast has real-time control over each role and is preparing its merger with KeyPlastics to create the Novares brand.

Automotive Industries



ROK Solution enables 1000 employees across 300 operational entities of the Transdev group to request the creation or modification of about 40000 suppliers quickly and securely.

ROK an award-winning solution

12 years of R&D: ROK focuses its efforts on the No-Code experience, without compromising on security,
to enable companies to tackle the challenges of digital transformation.


Go ahead and get started right now!