Finance Management and innovative technology: new accounting closing and internal auditing experiences

APDC Nord and IFACI, in partnership with KPMG, CIC Nord Ouest and SKEMA Business School have organized a conference on March 20, 2013, on the theme of “Finance Management and innovative technology: new accounting closing and internal auditing experiences”.

During the conference, several finance managers took the floor, including

  • Laurent BOULLIAT, Accounting Manager, DECATHLON FRANCE
  • Eric CASPERS, Deputy manager for Financial Strategy on Auditing, Accounting and Risk management, VILOGIA – Vice-President of IFACI NORD

Two companies from Northern French regions who chose to use innovative technology solutions shared their experiences:

  • DECATHLON on optimizing and controlling their accounting closing process
  • VILOGIA on managing risks and deploying an internal monitoring solution on operational tasks.

Two experiences made possible by ROK*’s Collaborative Intelligence Solution.

(*) ROK: Risk Organization Knowledge. We help develop your company’s performance: task and resource optimization, risk management, collaboration, know-how capitalization, real-time control, internal auditing evaluation, organization flexibility, productivity gains, finance management assistance.

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