Collaborative Intelligence, a decisive factor for competitiveness

Collaborative Intelligence: In an ever tenser and unpredictable market environment, gaining and keeping a competitive edge is now essential for companies to survive.

Building a more efficient organization that is also innovative and more flexible towards change requires new business paradigms, favoring a more intelligent and systematic collaboration between teams. Many companies have understood this and seek to integrate knowledge, ideas and experience sharing into their value chain. Working differently and capitalizing on Collaborative Intelligence has become a crucial strategic challenge.

ROK Solution, acclaimed by their clients, has won the Microsoft Finance Innovation award and has been selected among the Red Herring Europe top 100.

ROK Solution is a Collaborative Intelligence platform with a state-of-the-art architecture, recognized as the most efficient on the market. ROK Solution has won the Microsoft Finance Innovation 2012 award and has been selected among the Red Herring Europe Top 100.

ROK Solution’s low service costs, easy integration and overall flexibility are decisive arguments to ensure fast return on investment:

ROK Solution allows companies to seamlessly and effortlessly:

  • Gain control over their operations thanks to collaboration and processes intuitively integrated into transaction systems (SAP, Oracle, Dynamics, …)
  • Boost productivity and reduce costs in a few weeks’ time, by reorganizing collaboration between teams on all relevant company activities.
  • Gain flexibility and harness the constant evolution of your working environment.
  • Promote innovation through Collaborative Intelligence, guide collaborators and partners by giving them access to knowledge and activities optimized for their relevant tasks, leading to value creation and new patents.
Unprecedented technology and ROI

ROK Solution offers unprecedented returns on investment. ROK’s availability on the Cloud and their ready-to-use collaborative process models on the ROK Store (featuring more than 60 ROK Apps) allow any company to collaborate instantly, without any complex integration process. ROK’s SaaS commercial modality provides clients with nearly instant returns on investment and perfect control over Total Costs of Ownership.

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