Out with BPM, in with iBPMS!

Even though BPM has been acclaimed when it first appeared, it no longer meets company expectations or requirements. Meet iBPMS!

Even though the aim of BPM (Business Process Management) was initially to tackle the issue of “optimizing organization and promoting innovation to boost competitiveness”, we now see that this promise is not being kept. Previous existing solutions no longer work in the current context, and companies do not need them anymore. The final objective is to gain a competitive edge, not to spend time laying out business processes!

All the analysts agree to say new solutions exist, and they go far beyond what BPM could do. These are called iBPMS (Intelligent Business Process Management Suites) solutions. iBPMS is a solution with new features, such as real-time business analysis, complex event management and collaborative tool integration with existing BPM solutions. iBPMS also redefines business process management by including new features which aim to guide users and recommend the next most efficient action or decision.

These new solutions allow organizations to make their business processes more intelligent, by improving efficiency, adapting faster, and implementing appropriate actions.

ROK, an iBPMS solution

ROK is a Collaborative Intelligence platform that allows companies to map out, model and execute processes, manage risks and follow performance indicators dynamically and in real time. The complete management structure is integrated to a unified communication platform. ROK functions according to an iBPMS solution approach:

  • Flexibility: ROK Solution is available in the Cloud, via a SaaS sale model. The platform is instantly available and adapts in real time to the users’ needs. The SaaS model is calculated according to the user perimeter, allowing flexibility as well as complete control over costs, and immediate ROI.
  • Collaborative tools integration: ROK Solution allows to collaborate in real time on internal and external processes thanks to integrated instant communication and visio conference tools. The objective of this integration is to make communication between various departments easier.
  • Extended analysis capacity: ROK Solution allows to generate KPI, activity reports and alerts very quickly, in order to provide wider and better analysis and benefit from complete, real time visibility on company performances and risks.

Out with BPM, switch to iBPMS with ROK Solution!

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